Actions to Implement the Commitments of the Final Document 2015
- International level: Initiatives of the International Council in collaboration with the National Councils.
- National/local level: Suggestions adapted and carried out by the National Councils.
Area of Spiritual Life
“Recover a Contemplative Spirit” (EG 264; FD 1)
- Publication of the reflections on Mariology.
- Publication of the Marian Consecration.
- Promotion of the books: Praying the Psalms and Praying with Vincent de Paul.
- Promote the Papal Encyclicals.
- Encourage collaboration during Marian feast days.
- Deepen the contemplative spirit of the members of the VMY which leads the young men and women to a search for holiness.
- Open channels for effective spiritual accompaniment.
Area of formation
“Engender Jesus in others” (FD 2)
- Complete and promote the document on lay advisors in the VMY.
- Establish channels to share formation initiatives.
- Implement online formation.
- Plan a meeting to strengthen the ministry of the advisors.
- Strengthen Vincentian Leadership.
- Follow through on the Final Document of the 2015 General Assembly.
- Develop formation processes that take into consideration the spiritual life of the members.
- Provide incentives for Vincentian leadership.
- Share materials of formation on the website of the International Secretariat.
- Evaluate the study of the reflection on Mariology.
- Plan formation sessions for advisors.
- Develop, revise and carry out a formation process.
Area of Apostolate and Evangelization
“To evangelize in accord with our charism” (FD 3)
- Promote the pamphlet “Let us live in Solidarity”.
- Promote the experience of “twinning” among countries.
- Promote “going out to the peripheries” … we are an Association of young people who reach out to others.
- Promote experiences of shared mission.
- Project the profile of volunteers at the Secretariat as one of being involved in an international mission.
- To go forth from our own comfort zone in order to reach all the peripheries in need of the light of the Gospel (EG 20)
- Involvement in direct service on behalf of the less fortunate members of society … popular missions, etc.
- Promote the Latin American Missionary meeting (EMLA in Spanish).
- Participate in shared activities with the other branches of the Vincentian Family.
Area of Vincentian Collaboration
“Give life and continuity to this 400 year-old charism” (FD 4)
- Active collaboration in the various activities of the Vincentian Family.
- Promote transition into other groups of the Vincentan Family.
- Make members sensitive to the fact that they are members of the larger Vincentian Family.
- Follow up on the actions of the Vincentian Family in which the VMY is present (Haiti Initiative, Systemic Change Commission, VFCAP).
- Celebrate with action the Vincentian charism.
- Promote and create alliances with the other branches of the Vincentian Family …who they are; what they do; etc.
- Create common ground for collaboration with the other branches, for example in formation sessions on spirituality and the Vincentian charism.
Area of Financial Matters
“We are guardians not owners” (FD 5)
- Encourage work in the form of projects and that promote the dignity of those who are poor.
- Present concrete plans for self-financing (for the countries and the Association on an international level).
- Require collaboration from the countries who are members of the Association but who did not contribute to the self-financing campaign.
- Promote the articles that are for sale in the on-line store of the Secretariat.
- Sensitize people to a sense of belonging through collaboration.
- Establish relationships with adult members who are able to collaborate with the Association.
- Encourage on the local level fundraising activities for the international association.
- Promote transparency in financial matters.
Area of Lifestyle and other matters
- Develop the theme “Ecclesial Coherency”.
- Promote communication and collaboration among the countries.
- Revise the International Statutes.
- Make known those norms that we, as an eclesial association, ought to follow.
- Participation in eclesial missionary movements.
- Promotion of a Gospel culture.
- Promote the reading and the follow up on the documents published by the International Council.