Rite for making promises as a member of the Vincentian Marian Youth
The Promises in the VMY is a commitment to live as a member of the Association within a specific group and region. This is a step that precedes the Marian Consecration which occurs later. It is best to make these Promises during a Liturgy of the Word which usually meet the group members, or during the Sunday liturgy which is more suitable for Marian Consecration, and normally they are pronounced after the homily.
Calling forth the candidates
The Regional Delegate or some member of the Regional Council or the leader of the group, through the delegation of the Regional Council, calls the candidates to come forward. When the candidates name is called, he/she responds: Here I am… Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening… To Jesus with Mary!… The candidate then steps forward and faces the altar.
The Regional Director: After the deliberation of the Regional Council of (name of the region) that took place on (date), and immediately after the period of preparation that took place from (date) to (date) the leaders and the advisors have approved the following persons to pronounce their promises as members of the Vincentian Marian Youth Association: (read the names of the individuals).
Priest: Dear young men and women, what do you desire?
Candidates (together): Since we have been members of the Vincentian Marian Youth for (state the time period), we wish to pronounce our promises.
Priest: Promises in the VMY precedes the Marian Consecration. Do you understand the commitment that you are about to make?
Candidates: We will promise to follow Christ the evangelizer of the poor, to live as members of this Association and to live our life with a Marian and Vincentian spirit that is characterized by LIFE, CONTEMPLATION and SERVICE. This will enable us to learn and to make the Association known to others as we practice the virtues of humility, charity, purity, simplicity and obedience.
Priest: Are you willing to participate in this Association?
Candidates: Yes, we are willing with the grace of God.
Priest: Dear friends, mindful of your desires and intention, I invite you, in the presence of the Christian community gathered here today, to pronounce your promises as members of the Vincentian Marian Youth Association.
(The candidates pronounce the following words together)
As a member of the Vincentian Marian Youth Association
I have discovered Mary’s place in the Christian life
and I want to be guided by her
as I journey along the path of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, in the presence of my group,
the leaders of my association and of the Christian community
that is gathered together in this place
and with the help of the Holy Spirit,
I accept and I pray that I might continue to live
as a member of this group
and do so with a Marian and Vincentian spirit.
For me as a member of the VMY Association
the Vincentian and Marian spirit is:
To live…
with all my heart, in the midst of the world.
To contemplate…
life in order to recognize the marvelous deeds of God and to hear God’s call.
Through word and action…
to participate in the construction of a more just and more united world.
Blessing and presentation of the medals
Priest: Our help is in the name of the Lord.
All: Who made heaven and earth.
Priest: The Lord be with you.
All: And with your spirit.
Priest: Almighty and merciful God, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Mother of your only Son, you have been most loving toward us. You have blessed us and so now we ask you to look with kindness upon these servants who receive most devoutly this Medal in honor of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. May they be conformed to the image of Christ, your Son, and with the help of the Virgin Mother of God may they obtain grace and favor in your house. Grant this through Christ the Lord. Amen.
(The medals, which were previously blessed, are then presented to the candidates. There is no need for the priest to speak at this time. When all the candidates have received their medal, the other members of the groups join with the candidates in saying the prayer of the Association. At the conclusion of the prayer, the members remain before the altar, join their hands together to form a chain and then reverently bow together. They then return to their places as some hymn in honor of Mary is sung)
(Continue with the Apostle’s Creed)
Prayer of the VMY Association
Lord Jesus, we come to you
with Mary Immaculate.
You the friend of the little ones and the poor,
we praise You.
You care for each one of us with so much Love.
Teach us to live together
with the dynamism of Your Spirit,
who draws us to a way of life
filled with wonder, truth, and action.
Enable us to look at others
with the eyes of the heart,
so as to recognize the wonders
that You work in them,
especially in the underprivileged.
Help us to build a world of brother and sister
where no one is marginalized.
Grant us to act not in a spirit of power and domination,
but in a humble, spirit of service.