Final Document of the V General Assembly

Witnessing with hope

Bydgoszcz, Poland (online), July 7 and 14-18, 2021

2021_EN (1)

1. Eclessial Note: spiritual life and formation

1.1. Formation: to strengthen a sense of belonging to the VMY
Commitments: To promote an integral formation that creates in the members a sense of co-responsibility for the Association and for the worldwide Vincentian Family.

a. To create and strengthen teams (with the support of the Vincentian Family) in the VMY that will provide a dynamic to the formation processes, a formation that responds to the signs of the time.

b. To create schools on a more geographical level (regional and national) that promote Christian/Vincentian youth leadership.

c. To strengthen the international dimension of the VMY in the hearts and minds of the members.

1.2. Christian Community: as a place of communion, human growth, and an experience of God

a. To live the faith in community as a sign of God’s love and friendship among members and to assist the members in developing their gifts so that they can place them at service of others.

b. To ground the life of the member in Jesus Christ through prayer, the Word of God, the sacraments, and service to others.  

c. To promote time for meetings (face-to-face and virtual) on a local, regional, national, and international level.

d. To maintain and facilitate the meeting experiences that have been developed during the time of the COVID-19. 

e. To promote the participation of the members in their respective parishes and dioceses, as well as in National and International Catholic Organizations that promote participation in ecumenical activities and interreligious dialogue.

f. To promote formation processes among children in order to foment membership in the VMY in future generations.

1.3. Communication: with an adaptable, dynamic and effective methodology

a. To develop effective communication that stimulates empathy between the members and collaborators of the Association. 

b. To improve and strengthen the exchange and the timeliness in sending reports from local communities to regional and national councils and to the International Secretariat. 

c. To train members and advisers in Information and Communication Technologies.

1.4. Accompaniment: to accept responsibility, stimulate and strengthen the life, formation processes and the mission of the Association.

a. To assist catechists, coordinators, and advisers embrace the role of accompaniment.

b. To strengthen the formation of advisers identified with the VMY project so that they might be able to accompany young people. 

2. Eclessial Note: spiritual life and formation

2.1. Witness: An Association committed to evangelization and service on behalf of the poor.

a. To reflect membership in the Church and the Vincentian Family through the apostolate and concrete services. 

b. To imitate the virtues of Mary (fidelity, trust, humility, simplicity, obedience, purity) and the spirituality of the Magnificat.  

c. To promote devotion to the Miraculous Medal as a sign of Mary’s love for her children.

d. To develop evangelization projects (young people evangelizing other young people) in order to enhance the saving experience of God and service on behalf of those in need.

e. To strengthen the responsibility and creativity with regard to the mission that has been entrusted to the Association on the local, national and international level.

f. To evangelize creatively through the media.  

g. To assume a responsibility with regard to caring for biodiversity, the environment and the health of people whom we encounter in our apostolate. 

h. To network with other groups for human rights and the eradication of poverty, especially during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

i. To revitalize popular missions in rural areas and the periphery. 

j. To strengthen collaboration with the Vincentian Family through missionary experiences. 

3. Lay Note: vitality and expansion of the Association

3.1. Revitalization: respond to the present reality with innovation, creativity, identity and meaning.

a. To encourage local groups in their pastoral, formative and strategic dimension to respond to the demands of the context in which they live. 

b. To create regional teams by continents and/or languages to revitalize, stimulate and encourage accompaniment, communication, formation of advisers and the creation of an international vision. 

c. To continue the formation process in one’s adult life as Vincentian Marian Families, Adult Advisors, or other experiences within the Association. 

d. To modify international statutes according to current pastoral reality. 

e. To influence other social and civil institutions (UN).

3.2.Expansion: to promote the development and continuity of the Association

a. To promote the growth of the Association on the local, national and international level so that many young people can live the spirituality of VMY. 

b. To join forces with the members of the Vincentian Family in order to establish the Association in the countries where it is located and as well as in those places where it does not yet exist. 

c. To communicate the identity and activities of VMY through the media and digital platforms.

d. To expand the Association through missionary experiences that encourage and stimulate the emergence of new groups.

4. Challenge: Solidarity and Financial Sustainability


a. To create and strengthen the Association’s self-financing strategies at the local, national, and international levels. 

b. To promote creative activities for self-sustaining.  

c. To take responsibility for payment of quotas according to the possibilities of the country.  

d. To create joint projects to achieve financial sustainability.

*This page was replaced by in 2021.
Download the Final Documents of the last General Assemblies:
I. Animated by the Word, sent to serve together

Rome, Italy – August 8-12, 2000

II. From the perspective of a lay spirituality, we share the mission

Paris, France – August 7-13, 2005

III. Rooted in Christ, we sow hope

Lisbon, Portugal – August 1-6, 2010

IV. Evangelized in order to evangelize

Salamanca, Spain – June 24-28, 2015

V. Witnessing with hope

Bydgoszcz, Poland (online) – July 7 and 14-18, 2021

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