
Mission Reborn for Hope

The mission, Reborn for Hope, of the VMY in Portugal was begun in 2016 in collaboration with the Congregation of the Mission ministering in Chirrundzo, Mozambique, a place where a friendly hand and a hand of solidarity was much in need. Since that time, the young men and women of the VMY in Portugal have become ever more aware of the emerging needs of the local community. As a result, the activity of the VMY has been developed on behalf of about one hundred children in need. The activity of this group has been focused on three areas of great concern: food, education, and health. In this manner a very close relationship (a relationship of accompaniment) has been developed between the VMY in Portugal and the local community of JUMAR (as the Vincentian Marian Youth is known in Mozambique).

Fourteen missionaries have collaborated in this project, missionaries who have ministered at and passed through the center “Renascer Pra Esperança” (Reborn to Hope). Each of these missionaries was able to make a contribution to the areas of concern (previously mentioned) and promoted the forward movement of the activities that were being developed.

Those who come to know this mission never return indifferent. The proof of this is the testimony of the missionaries who speak about the various achievements and lessons that they learned. One of the missionaries stated: “this experience taught me to see with the heart and to see with the heart takes time … and Mozambique provides us with the time. There, time moves at a different pace and that gives us the opportunity to see with the heart”.

If you want more information about this project, write us at or enter the Facebook page:  

If you want to collaborate with this Project, you can send your donation to:

Juventude Mariana Vicentina | Portugal
IBAN PT50 0035 0309 0007 1581 9303 8
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