Between March 15th and April 15th, 2024, the International Council of the Vincentian Marian Youth (CIJMV) will be accepting applications from volunteers for the formation of the VMY’s International Communication Committee (CC). The committee will consist of seven (7) members of the Association with expertise in the area of communication.

Working remotely in direct collaboration with the VMY International Secretariat (SIJMV), the CC will undertake the voluntary mission of planning, executing, and expanding the Association’s external communications through its website, social media, and other digital channels.

Volunteer communicators will dedicate their services to the Association for a period of 18 months, with the possibility of renewal. This new International Communication format will remain effective until July 2026, coinciding with the conclusion of the current International Council’s mandate.

Interested individuals can apply via the official VMY International website and follow the selection stages, as outlined below:

  1. Online candidate registration
  2. CV evaluation and consultation with national councils
  3. Interviews with shortlisted candidates
  4. Selection of the seven (7) members
  5. Official presentation of the team to the entire VMY

The CC will be engaged in activities such as content planning, image and video editing, design, social media management in collaboration with the Secretariat, and the production of news and information materials.

Requirements for candidates include a minimum of two (2) years active experience in VMY, communication-related experience (such as studying or currently studying communication, working or having worked in communication roles such as social media manager, writer, editor, designer, or content creator), being over 20 years of age, proficiency in at least one of VMY’s official languages (Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English), among others.

Upon completion of their service, volunteers will receive an international volunteer certification.

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