Our small testimony


Jan 22′ 2024

11.30 pm

During the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-2021, Mr. Pandu’s contact at Samudera Peduli Foundation reached out to us to help with the Oxygen Cylinders for Humanity (GTOUK) Movement.

We have received information that the Samudera Peduli Foundation, which is affiliated with the Samudera Indonesia company, has offered to provide an oxygen tank for the GTOUK organization. Our aim is to help those who require oxygen by providing different sizes of oxygen cylinders such as 1m3, 1.5m3, 2m3, and 6m3 for patients in isolation with decreased oxygen saturation, particularly when hospitals are at full capacity. We could not accept these donations due to our movement’s capacity limitations.

In mid-2023, Mr. Pandu contacted us again. The Samudera Peduli Foundation remembered us and wanted to donate an ambulance for our health service.

I had the pleasure of introducing Sr. Retti, DC, and Sr. Rita, DC to the community at Cilincing. Sr. Rita is the Chair of the Martha Wieka Foundation, which oversees the health services provided by the Daughters of Charity in Indonesia. 

We went through a verification process, reviewed proposals, and had several online meetings together in order to ensure the success of our collaboration.

In November 2023, the Samudera Peduli Foundation made the decision to donate an ambulance to the Martha Wieka Foundation for the Daughter of Charity Clinic in Blitar, Garum, and surrounding areas. This was in addition to the ambulance they donated to the Dompet Dhuafa Islamic Foundation. The foundation will be preparing to purchase the ambulances and perform the necessary administrative work during November and December 2023.

On January 22, 2024, an ambulance was handed over to the Martha Wieka Foundation at the PT Samudera Indonesia Head Office in the Slipi area of West Jakarta. This marks a significant milestone in the GTOUK project, which began in January 2021 with a loan of six oxygen cylinders from the Daughter of Charity Clinic in Cilincing. The blessings received from this project have allowed them to serve God through others and provide an ambulance for those in need. Praise the Lord and His name.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Samudera Peduli Foundation for their support. During the handover, Mr. Asril, Chairman of the foundation, shared with us that the more we engage in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the more blessings will come our way. He also mentioned that the peak of these blessings will be in 2022-2023. I truly believe that helping others is a way to receive blessings in return. 

I would also like to thank the Daughter of Charity Sisters for allowing us to participate in sharing love and kindness with others.

Thank you also to GTOUK friends wherever you are.

#themoreyougivethemoreyouget #blessedtobeblessing 

Words with love,

Dr. Juanli 

JMV Indonesia

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